
Hello searchers

We are a neutral block builder on Ethereum.

Send your bundles to rpc.titanbuilder.xyz

We support the standard endpoints and eth_sendBundle with replacements & cancellations, as well as refundPercent (check out our Docs for more details).

We have several exciting new products in the pipeline - Join us on our discord to learn more and get early access

Moon image

Our builder

We run multiple bundle merging algorithms in parallel through our proprietary high-performance infrastructure.

We do not use bundles for anything other than building competitive blocks. To avoid any conflict of interests, we don't do any searching on Ethereum other than picking up any end of block inefficiencies/leftovers once our blocks have already been built.

Our builder is neutral.

About us

We are a crypto-native team with deep experience across the transaction value chain, having been miners, validators, searchers and traders across multiple Layer-1s before embarking on this block building journey.


We currently submit blocks to the following relays:







Learn more and get early access
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